Discovery that Sets You Up for Success

Hint – not all discovery is the same…

Introduction: In a recent conversation with Kurt, we delved into the intriguing realm of Discovery, an essential stage in any coaching or consulting engagement. In this post, we will explore step number one: the Discovery phase. This phase sets the stage for uncovering valuable insights and establishing a solid foundation for growth.

Assessment Tools and Clarity: Kurt emphasizes the importance of utilizing assessment tools during the Discovery phase. These tools, such as the Enneagram, StrengthsFinder, and The Predictive Index, provide valuable insights into the individual’s or organization’s characteristics and tendencies. By asking clients to complete these assessments, Kurt gains a deeper understanding of their unique qualities and preferences.

Moreover, Kurt believes in the power of clarity. During the Discovery phase, he engages in meaningful conversations with his clients to explore their desired outcomes. By understanding where they want to be in six months or further down the line, Kurt can create a roadmap for their coaching journey. Setting clear goals and objectives helps establish a sense of direction and purpose.

Goals as a Means to an End: While goals are crucial, Kurt encourages his clients to see them as stepping stones rather than the ultimate destination. He shares a personal anecdote from his swimming days, where his coaches constantly lowered the time goals for him. He came to realize that the goals were merely a means to achieve the overarching mission of becoming the best swimmer he could be. Similarly, Kurt emphasizes that coaching is not solely about achieving specific goals but about personal growth and becoming the best version of oneself.

Discovery in a Corporate Context: When Kurt is engaged by an organization, the Discovery process takes a slightly different form. Alongside assessments, he suggests conducting a 360-degree feedback exercise. This involves gathering input from the client’s supervisor, colleagues, and direct reports. By gaining a comprehensive perspective, Kurt can better understand the dynamics and challenges within the corporate environment.

Boundaries and Confidentiality: In the Discovery phase, Kurt underscores the importance of establishing boundaries and ensuring confidentiality. As a coach, he adheres to a strict code of ethics, treating all client discussions as 100% confidential, unless there is a risk of harm or illegal activities. However, he acknowledges the customer’s need for progress updates and engagement assessment. To address this, he encourages open conversations between the customer and the client, allowing them to discuss progress and areas of focus without violating confidentiality.

Setting Boundaries and Expectations: The Discovery phase serves as an opportune time for Kurt to not only set boundaries but also establish expectations. By communicating the process and guidelines clearly, he ensures that everyone involved understands their roles and responsibilities. This clarity paves the way for a successful coaching journey, both for the individual client and the organization as a whole.

Conclusion: The Discovery phase is a crucial starting point in any coaching or consulting engagement. Through the use of assessment tools, fostering clarity, and setting appropriate boundaries, Kurt sets the stage for personal and organizational growth. By understanding clients’ aspirations and providing guidance beyond specific goals, he paves the way for transformative leadership and self-improvement. In the next video, we will delve into Kurt’s unique Design process, an integral part of the coaching journey. Stay tuned for more insights and inspiration!